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Discover Our Palm Desert Med Spa Services

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Palm Desert, we proudly offer a full range of popular and in demand aesthetic treatments for patients of all ages. Our conveniently located medical spa on El Paseo offers the full range of SkinCeuticals signature facials, along with top neurotoxin treatments such as BOTOX® Cosmetic, and dermal fillers, such as Restylane® and Juvéderm®. Our team of medical and skin experts also are experts at performing leading laser skin rejuvenation treatments such as IPL and BBL, laser hair removal, and microneedling + Radiofrequency. These minimally invasive aesthetic services are designed to meet the needs of every skin type and are crafted to deliver the results you are looking for in under an hour so you can get in, get out, and get on with your day.

Achieve Natural Balance and Beauty

At SkinLab Palm Desert, we offer safe and highly effective facial treatments, laser skin rejuvenation to diminish unwanted sunspots, clear acne, and improve skin texture. Our neurotoxin and dermal filler treatments can help you improve the shape, structure, and volume of your face while maintaining natural balance and proportions. As the leading medical spa in Palm Desert, our goal is to help each and every patient look and feel their very best with our cutting-edge treatments. Visit us today for a complimentary consultation and skincare plan customized to your unique skin needs.