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stylist using moxi treatment

Expert Laser Skin Rejuvenation in Palm Desert

At SkinLab Palm Desert, we offer a full complement of laser and light-based treatments to reduce unwanted hair, resurface and firm skin, and improve skin tone and evenness. We offer top laser treatments to rejuvenate skin including Sciton® BBL and Moxi for advanced skin repair and tightening. These advanced skin treatments are safe for all skin types. We proudly offer laser hair removal with the proven long-pulse 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser for long-lasting results.


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Laser Treatments

Sciton® BBL

Often referred to as intense pulsed light, BBL targets pigment and redness in the skin to improve skin tone and texture over a series of treatments.

Sciton® Moxi

This non-ablative laser treatment provides a gentler approach to laser resurfacing through the delivery of fractionated laser energy to the skin.

Sciton® BBL Laser Hair Removal

The Sciton® BBL laser uses quick, low-energy pulses of laser light to target and eliminate unwanted hair follicles. The laser is attracted to melanin pigment that resides in your hair shaft, so it destroys both the hair shaft and follicle with a quick burst of heat.