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Offering Surgical and Non-Surgical Solutions

Cosmetic Surgery Institute is located in Palm Desert, CA, and is a premier full-service cosmetic surgery center offering both surgical and non-surgical solutions to cosmetic concerns. The office provides a warm and welcoming environment so our patients and clients feel comfortable learning more about us and sharing their own cosmetic goals in a safe space.

inside beauty salon

Dr. Mo Zakhireh

Meet the Director

Medical Director, Dr. Mo Zakhireh, is a Texas Tech Medical School graduate, who completed his general surgery residency at UCLA Harbor. Upon finishing a plastic surgery fellowship at the University of Utah, Dr. Zakhireh was invited to join the staff as a professor of plastic surgery. Dr. Zakhireh is a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who moved to the Coachella Valley in 2004 and acquired the surgery center in 2007. He specializes in facelifts, tummy tucks, liposculpturing, and breast augmentation serving the Palm Springs, La Quinta, Rancho Mirage, Riverside, and Orange County areas.