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Skinlab Wellness Program

At SkinCeuticals Skinlab by Cosmetic Surgery Institute, we believe feeling and looking your best requires both internal and external maintenance and we are committed to helping you achieve both. Begin your wellness journey today with our options below.

Wellness Options

fat belly button

Tirzepatide Injections for Weight Loss

Book a consultation with one of SkinLab Palm Desert’s experts to find out if this treatment fits your lifestyle. Our program includes:

  • Initial consultation and treatment education
  • Blood paneling
  • Series of weekly injections
  • Professional treatment and monitoring
iv injection

IV Hydration

At SkinLab Palm Desert, we administer IV hydration therapy as a way of getting the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants needed to improve overall wellness. Providing direct, efficient and natural means of hydration, the benefits include:

  • Promoting faster weight loss
  • Treating certain nutrient deficiencies
  • Cleansing your body of toxins and free radicals
  • Increasing your energy levels

Lipo B12

Lipotropic B12 shots are injections that target fat deposits and accelerate the metabolism of fats. Lipotropic injections enriched with a dose of vitamin B12 are often used as a successfully complement to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Improves metabolism and supports weight loss
  • Promotes healthier hair, skin, and nails
  • Strengthens the immune system

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NAD Injections

NAD therapy is an intravenous vitamin treatment that works on a cellular level to provide optimal rejuvenation benefits including:

  • Slowing down the aging process
  • Boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss
  • Improved mental clarity and brain power
  • Helps reverse sun damage
  • Beats fatigue and increases energy
  • Reduces inflammation

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